Well what a year it’s been!
As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on what has been an exciting 12 months. It has been a privilege to be able to support and welcome so many businesses throughout 2023 and exciting to have been able to deliver so many fantastic projects and work.
It’s certainly been an exhilarating year, not possible without the dedicated team at Bradford at Night and our amazing members and partners!
Our highlights for the year are endless, but at this time of reflection it seems fitting to look back at some great achievements of the year:
Training & Development
Ask for Angela, Active Bystander, Martyn’s Law, Vulnerability Training and a wider range of courses and training schemes, aimed at improving safety across businesses in the city have been delivered all year by our team.
Best Bar None 2023/24
Assessors have been out, results are being collected…after such as successful Best Bar None in 2022/23, we’re delighted to be bringing back the scheme under our Bradford at Night umbrella. With a sparkling awards night penciled in the calendar for early 2024, this years accreditations are ready to dazzle! Have you not started? It’s time to get in touch before it’s too late!
Walksafe App – University of Bradford Launch
We set up, and we delivered! Tasked with launching and introducing Walksafe to students at the university during Freshers Fayre really nailed home the community spirit! Raising awareness of Walksafe, it’s features and benefits all before putting it to the test during the evening as part of the “Freshers Week Bar Crawl”. During the visit we signed their licensed premises up to the “Bradford Charter”
Bradford Street Angels
We continued our support for the invaluable and dedicated charity that is Bradford Street Angels! They ensure that everyone can enjoy the city’s social scene safely! We’ve ensured they remain a vital part of our activities and really do continue to hold a voice at the decision making table!
New Members
During 2023, we have seen a significant increase in membership and by gosh have they been busy! From welcoming members such as Schofield Sweeney Solicitors, Sugarcane Cafe & Bar to even DanceStars Dance Studio.
Operation Nocturnal
Bradford District Police along with partner agencies including Bradford Council, Bradford at Night, teamed up to provide a visible and supportive presence in the City Centre. The initiative, formed through continued partnership working, focusses on ensuring safety of those visiting or residing in the Bradford area and supporting vulnerable people ahead of the summer holidays.
Appoinment of Managing Director and Directors
2023 saw a milestone hit. The appointment of Elizabeth Murphy as our Managing Director. As a founding Director of Bradford at Night, with over a decade of experience promoting cities in south and west Yorkshire, and was instrumental in delivering the BID for Wakefield and Harrogate, Elizabeth brings her passion to Bradford. The appointment of three additional Directors, Tom Walling, Graham Sweeney and Kevin Dean all joined the team with a wealth of knowledge.
and there’s so much more we could shout about!
Above all else, setting our strategic plans in place as an independent organisation has been crucial in making the biggest impact possible in 2024! The year ahead is guaranteed to be an exciting journey and we want to welcome each and every one of you along for the ride!
It’s now time for a rest to spend with our loved ones so we can be back in 2024 and do it all again!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, from all at Bradford at Night