where to next?
Bradford at Night have re-launched the Bradford city centre PubWatch, with over thirty venues and partners attending the meetings so far. The meetings have generated a positive buzz about the city centre evening and night time economy and what can be achieved by working together as a collective voice.
Bradford city centre PubWatch Aims to:
Achieve a safe, secure, and responsibly led drinking environment in all licensed premises throughout the city centre.
Reduce crime and disorder in licensed premises by improving communication between businesses and relevant authorities
Provide a forum where licensees can discuss problems and solutions
Improve the ambience of the environment in and around premises in the PubWatch area, and enhance the safety, security, comfort and wellbeing of customers and staff so that their visit is a pleasurable occasion, which they will wish to repeat.
Meetings take place every month and usually last about an hour. A reminder of the date is emailed to everybody on the mailing list one week before each meeting. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, email hello@bradfordatnight.co.uk to let us know. You can opt out at any time.