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Bradford at Night Shortlisted for ATCM Award


The award winners will be announced at the ATCM Summer School in Glasgow on June 19th.

We're delighted to have been shortlisted for the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) Best Social and Community Contribution Scheme.

The TCMI Awards have always been purpose driven. In addition to recognising the excellent work of ATCM’s members, they also serve to support the dissemination of best practice to other towns and strengthen ATCM’s ability to undertake advocacy with the UK, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Governments and the Northern Ireland Executive.

Bradford at Night has been shortlisted for the the best scheme which does not carry a direct profit motive for the local business community but instead is about supporting a community in some way, possibly working with the third sector, charities or a range of other partners.

Here's a snapshot of our work in less than 12 months:

  • Hosted Bradford's second Best Bar None awards, awarding 25+ licensed premises accreditation.

  • 50+ businesses participating in Active Bystander Training.

  • 300+ ENTE staff compliant with Ask for Angela, Martyn's Law and Clare's Law.

  • Continuation of being the world's first ever Walksafe city.

  • Development of PubWatch - now seeing relevant stakeholders attending monthly meetings.

  • Introduction of a new team to bring a wealth of expertise into the growth of Bradford at Night.

  • The first Bradford organisation to be fully endorsed and partnered with the Nighttime Industries Association (NTIA).

  • 12 new members joining our network, with more in the pipeline to join from surrounding districts.

  • The soft launch of 'Bradford at Night Guardians'.

  • A stronger partnership with community driven initiatives such as Safer Bradford, New Vision Bradford, West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

  • Developed 5+ new partnerships to increase value for money for our members.

  • Launched 'Yorkshire Business Crime Network' (YBCN) to bring a secure, efficient and effective network to help tackle business crime and anti social behaviour.

  • Supported 250+ university students on welcome week explore the city's night scene.

  • Became official primary sponsors of a community led football club.

  • Strong working relationships with newly appointed District Commanders for the City, Assistant Chief Constable and the newly reelected Deputy Mayor of West Yorkshire.

Being shortlisted for this award, demonstrates the ongoing commitment Bradford at Night holds for the city, providing a catalyst for change, influencing and enabling action and ultimately showcases the driving force Bradford at Night has become for the city.

Notes to Editors

Interviews and images are available on request. For more information, please contact our communications team at

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